玛利亚·杰西·萨恩兹 (Maria Jesus Saenz)
麻省理工学院供应链数字化转型研究室主任 宁波(中国)供应链创新学院客座教授 Phone:+1-617-258-8584 Email:jrice@mit.edu
麻省理工学院供应链数字化转型研究室主任 宁波(中国)供应链创新学院客座教授 Phone:+1-617-258-8584 Email:jrice@mit.edu
玛利亚博士主要研究跨组织商业要素驱动下的数字供应链协同模式, 并探究企业如何通过合适的方法应对数字化创新所带来的各种挑战。 这些挑战来自于多维度的协同、数字供应链能力和数字客户价值等一些跨组织层面的变化。 玛利亚博士曾任MIT SCALE萨拉戈萨物流研究中心主任并长期参与和领导许多欧盟委员会不同的研究项目, 同时在企业的供应链创新中,她也为包括宝洁、家乐福、科莱恩、DHL、乐华梅林和卡特彼勒等公司提供咨询项目。
Sheffi Y., Saenz M.J., Rivera L. and Gligor D.. The Role of Logistics Clusters in Facilitating Horizontal Collaboration Mechanisms. Forthcoming 2019 in European Planning Studies. Saenz M.J., Knoppen, D. and Mendonca E., Building manufacturing flexibility with strategic suppliers and contingent effect of product dynamism on customer satisfaction. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 2018, 24, 238-246. Knoppen, D. and Sáenz M.J., Interorganizational teams in low versus high dependence contexts. International Journal of Production Economics, 2017, 191, Sept, 15-25. Chen, W., Kucukyazici, B, Verter, V. and Saenz, M.J. Supply Chain Design for Unlocking the Value of Remanufacturing Under Uncertainty. European Journal of Operational Research, 2015, 247, 804-819. Sáenz, M.J. and Koufteros, X. (Guest editors). Special Issue on Literature Reviews in Supply Chain Management and Logistics. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 2015, 45 (1-2), 2-11. Sáenz, M.J. and Revilla E., Creating More Resilient Supply Chains. MIT Sloan Management Review, Summer issue, 2014, 22-24. Sáenz, M.J., Revilla, E. and Knoppen, D.. Absorptive capacity in buyer-supplier relationships: empirical evidence of its mediating role. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 2014, 50(2), 18-40.